교육과정 및 교과목 해설서
학년도 2021 학기 1학기
이수구분 1전선 학수번호 1전선
교과목명 친족상속법
교과목명(영문) Family and Succession Law
교과목해설 기본적인 친족관계를 구성하기 위한 가족제도, 혼인, 이혼, 친자관계, 입양제도, 친권, 후견, 친족회 및 부양제도 등을 고찰하고, 상속제도로서의 호주승계, 재산상속, 유언 등에 관하여 구체적으로 살펴 본다.
교과목해설(영문) In this lecture, based on the legal understanding of family law, we analyze the legal theory and important cases of the civil law concerning the family and inheritance. Students will learn legal issues related to family and inheritance that can be encountered in everyday life, and gain understanding of legal relationship and ability of legal analysis. We systematically examine the legal relationship between chancellery and guardianship, status of parents, marriage and divorce, adoption and adoption, parents and children, inheritance and testament. Analyze important cases related to kinship and inheritance, and conduct judicial review of Supreme Court precedents and foreign legislation and theories.